Use it or lose it

A while ago I flew model RC airplanes. It was the early days of first-person-video, I’d buy some miniature security camera, solder it to an analogue video transmitter, and strap it to a foam plane.

With some video goggles on the ground and a receiver, I could fly my model plane like I was in the pilots seat.

One of my first models was called the Skywalker. It was designed for efficient crusing and carrying big batteries.

It’s 1.6m wings came in two parts with a carbon tube in the middle, and were secured to the fuselage with … rubber bands.

Detachable wings made it easy to transport in the boot of my GolfDetachable wings made it easy to transport in the boot of my Golf

The rubber bands weren’t special, and I didn’t like to risk them fatiguing so I bought a huge bag of 50 on eBay for a few dollars, and replaced them around every 20 flights.

Crossed over the wings, the rubber bands were the only thing keeping me in the sky.Crossed over the wings, the rubber bands were the only thing keeping me in the sky.

The rubber bands had to stretch a lot to fit around the wings, they couldn’t be too loose - they were under a lot of strain, but always held up fine.

Then, I took a break from flying for a year. My life was busy and I didn’t make the time to go.

When I went to dust off the plane, I got my bag of rubber bands and as I put one on, it snapped.

I tried a few more, and snap, snap.

On closer inspection, most of the rubber was fine, but the parts where the band bent at a sharp angle had dried out, and become brittle.

I feel that the rubber band is a good analogy for my life.

If I remain stagnant for too long, or become too insulated from the world, I become brittle. I can’t cope as well when I need to.

However if I push myself outside my comfort zone from time to time, it helps keep me flexible. I develop muscle (literal and figurative) that helps me adapt.

It’s so easy to go on eliminating more and more effort from my life. I don’t like cleaning the house, so I’ll hire a cleaner. I’m too busy to cook, so I’ll get meals delivered. Where do I draw the line? Anything can be justified if I try hard enough.

When I would go camping, I would almost always return feeling energised, and stronger. I attribute this not only to the relaxation but also to the work. To use the bathroom, it’s a walk. To eat something takes effort to prepare it. Ironically, when I am camping I am quite busy, but it’s good work.

This is why I have been learning to service my own cars.

Oil and filter change on my Macan TurboOil and filter change on my Macan Turbo

Getting a mechanic to do an oil change costs about $150. This is easy to justify paying for - for me to do the same work takes 2 or 3 hours by the time I’ve got the car ready, prepared all my tools, done the work, and cleaned up.

But, when I do it myself, I feel great. I’m climbing underneath, lifting heavy tools, it’s good exercise.

Not only am I doing something different to my day to day, but I feel more capable too, which encourages me to try and push beyond my comfort zone again next time.

Stretch or snap!


December 12, 2024